Weight Reduction

SPECIFIC™ Weight reduction is a quality food that has won taste and performance tests. Low in fat and calories, but high in fibre and protein meaning you can feed your dog a large tasty amount of food, to satisfy their appetite, while still helping them to lose weight.

For adult dogs needing to lose weight

Why choose Weight Reduction?

Low in calories and fat and high in fibre and protein you can serve full portions allowing your dog to lose weight without feeling hungry.

Because it is high in protein the weight loss comes from fat rather than lean body mass helping to preserve muscle mass and increase weight loss.
Has added L carnitine – a fat burning amino acid.
High levels of Omega-3 fish oils to help maintain healthy coat skin and joints.

Product code:

Package sizes:
1.6 kg, 6 kg, 12 kg

Feeding guide in grams per day

The daily requirement may vary depending on factors such as breed, environment, season and activity level. We recommend that you monitor your pet and adjust the feeding amount to fit their individual needs.


Contenuti per 100 g

Contenuti per MJ

Energia metabolizzabile in kJ 1747   
Proteine g (grezze) 32,0  18,3 
Grassi g (grezzi) 20,0  11,4 
Carboidrati g (NFE) 33,0  18,9 
Fibre g (grezze) 1,7  1,0 
Calcio g 0,70  0,40 
Fosforo g 0,63  0,36 
Magnesio g 0,060  0,034 
Sodio g 0,42  0,24 
Acidi grassi omega 3 g 0,98 0,56
Rapporto n-3:n-6 1:3 1:3
Condroitina solfato mg  100 57 
Acqua g  7,3   


Farina di pesce, proteina del mais, grasso di maiale, mais, frumento, proteine di patate, uova in polvere, riso, amido di mais, proteine animali idrolizzate, minerali, vitamine e oligoelementi (inclusi gli oligoelementi chelati), olio di pesce, polvere di cellulosa, metionina, cloruro di ammonio, buccia di psillio, condroitina solfato, taurina. Con antiossidanti naturali (tocoferoli, estratto di rosmarino e vitamina C). Non contiene coloranti o aromi artificiali aggiunti. 

